
“Imagine trying to coach a team or come up with new plays when you never actually played the sport. Or conducting an orchestra if you can’t read or play any music. Or starting Microsoft or Apple if you had never written any computer code…unlike Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Unfortunately, hiring in generalist managers or those from wholly different sectors has become commonplace. All the evidence suggests this is a mistake”

About Me

High school ended at 16 and for the next 7 years I worked in the fashion industry in various countries.   At 23 I moved to India, where I lived on a small development project in Andhra Pradesh, followed by a number of years working with charitable and campaigning organisations back in the UK.   In 1997 I completed a degree at the London School of Economics, and then worked with Anthony Giddens, Director of the LSE, as part of the top management team. 

After a year in Chicago I returned to work with the President of Warwick University.

Research and Experience

Based on my experience working with two university leaders, I started a PhD at Warwick Business School in 2004.   My research was published into a monograph by Princeton University Press – Socrates in the Boardroom: Why Research Universities Should be Led by Top Scholars.

I have been an ESRC post-doctoral fellow, a Leverhulme fellow, and worked in Germany for two years as a senior researcher at  IZA Institute of Labor Economics in Bonn. In 2012, I joined Bayes Business School in the Faculty of Management.

I have held visiting research positions at Cornell University, University of Zurich, and Yale University.

I will be on sabbatical in Denmark and the Netherlands in January 2023.

I am married to economist Andrew Oswald and live between London and South Wales, in beautiful Pembrokeshire. I am a committed environmentalist, an ambassador for ‘Save Wild Tigers’, and a founder, with Jacki Sime, of the Pembrokeshire Seal Research Trust to be established in 2022.

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+ 44 (0) 7962 211317
Reader in Leadership (Associate Professor)
Bayes Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London, EC1Y 8TZ UK

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